- 「Metran Co., Ltd.」 founded as a manufacturer of medical equipment.
- Development of the “Hummingbird” High Frequency Oscillation (HFO) artificial ventilator begins.
- “Hummingbird” enters a competition sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for HFO ventilators in the U.S., winning first prize among ventilators from 8 different manufacturers around the world. Metran receives an order for 85 “Hummingbird” ventilators to be used in the first clinical trial of its kind in the world. Development and manufacturing begins on the SAV-6 artificial ventilator for veterinary use.
Development begins on the next generation anesthesia system “FOUNT-2000”. This system allows for complete gathering and management of operating room data from one device. Development and manufacturing begins on the “Compos β” ventilation and anesthesia system.
Development of the portable artificial ventilator “Popy” begins. Development and manufacturing begins on a new system for carbon dioxide rejection for anesthesia use. Exporting of artificial ventilators begins.
Development of a new model of IMV ventilator “CV-5000” begins. With a new control mechanism, this ventilator reduces patient breathing effort for better comfort. Development and manufacturing begins on the “Humming II” High Frequency Oscillator artificial ventilator. The “Humming II” was the successor to the “Hummingbird” artificial ventilator and offered IMV ventilation functionality as well as HFO.
Development and manufacturing begins on a new IMV artificial ventilator for use with infants and premature newborns.
Development begins on the “Rotary HFO” device to support the next generation of High Frequency Oscillation ventilators.
Development and manufacture of the “Humming V” High Frequency Oscillation artificial ventilator. The “Humming V” was a high-power and high-functionality successor to the successful “Humming II” ventilator.
Development begins on the “PB-920” artificial ventilator for use with infants and premature newborns. Development and manufacture of the NOx inhalation system begins. Development began on a new breathing airway circuit with a built-in humidification system.
Development begins on a new model of IMV artificial ventilator for use with infants and premature newborns. Development, manufacture and sales are planned for a new model artificial ventilator with NSV breathing method.
Awarded development funding on new ventilation system (NSV) by VEC (Venture Enterprise Center).
Development begins on the innovative heating/humidifying system “Hummax” series.
Development and manufacture of infant-use “Calliope” and adult-use “Eliciae” artificial ventilators begins.
Development and manufacture of “Calliope α” and “M7 α” artificial ventilators for infant use begins. Development and manufacture of “M6 α” artificial ventilator for adult use begins.
Development and manufacture of the adult-use R100 artificial ventilator begins.
Obtains ISO 9001 (2000) certification and ISO 13485 (2003) certification. Established the group affiliate “Biotran Inc.” in San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Begins international marketing of Biotran’s finger-type pulse oximeter “FOX”. Development and manufacture of CPAP unit “Jusmine” begins for an OEM supply to Koike Medical Co., Ltd. Development and manufacture of infant-use “Humming X” artificial ventilator begins.
Agreed on the exclusive distribution rights in veterinary and lab research markets with Hamilton Thorne Biosciences Inc. in U.S.A. Represented product line was “Xyclone” laser abrasion system.
Establishment of Vietnam Factory Me Tran Co., Ltd. (Ho Chi Minh City). Development and manufacture begins on the portable Oxygen Concentrator “KM-X” for homecare oxygen therapy for OEM supply to Koike Medical Co., Ltd.
Acquired CE mark for Rotary HFO/IMV ventilator for infant and adult “R100” artificial ventilator. Development and manufacture on Oxygen concentrator KM-X3L begins for an OEM supply to Koike Medical Co. Ltd. Entered an agreement with Nihon Kohden Corporation for comprehensive business alliance and global distribution arrangement of Metran’s critical care products.
ME TRAN Co., Ltd. received ISO9001 (2008) certification and ISO13485 (2012) certification. Development and manufacture of veterinary ventilator “Compos X” begins.
- Received CMDCAS approval for sales of ventilators in Canada.
- His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan made an honorable visit to the Metran factory.
- Metran and Fukuda Denshi Co., Ltd. establishes the joint venture company “Breath Technology Inc.” to develop new home-healthcare devices. The second factory in Vietnam, Metran VITEC, was established.
Metran Vitec receives ISO 9001 (2008) and ISO 13485 (2012) approval. The founder of Metran, Tran Ngoc Phuc, becomes chairman of the group companies and Shinichi Nakane is promoted to President and Representative Director of Metran.
Domestic marketing of next generation High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilator “Humming Vue” begins.